Название проекта
About Project
Our regular customer turned to us with a task for a new business: to develop a system for working with client's loans. The content of the business is to legally obtain a reduction of the amount of the loan for the client and buy it back from the lenders.
Firstly we broke the project down into a roadmap and prioritized it. The most important thing was to get the first applications.
Colors & Fonts
Landing Page
Navigation with anchors on the landing page and switching to an account
The first block with the main message and unique selling proposition
Company’s description with the ability to watch a video about no loans
Services with the option to purchase
Description of the stages of the company's work
Savings calculator when contacting a no loans company
Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)
Company contacts
Purchase of services
The first step after creating a promo-led was buying services. Since the purchase is the foundation, we implemented it even before the creation of personal accounts. The functionality included a choice of packages, signing contracts via SMS, payment through an online service and step-by-step filling in data about the user and his credit.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Personal account
The next step was to develop a personal account. We tied the system to the phone as a unique id in the first place, which made it possible to work with ready-made data in the database. Registration via SMS confirmation, authorization, password reset, purchase of services inside the cabinet, referral system was just the beginning.
Purchase history
In history, we deduced the purchase statuses, because the buyout of the agreement is a lengthy process. Statuses are moderated manually via the admin panel. We also implemented a monthly fee for one of the services with a reminder via SMS and within the system. Among other issues, it can be possible to view and download the contract and instructions for the service.
Buyout agreements
The first step after creating a promo-led was buying services. Since the purchase is the foundation, we implemented it even before the creation of personal accounts. The functionality included a choice of packages, signing contracts via SMS, payment through an online service and step-by-step filling in data about the user and his credit.
Mobile version
Since such a system cannot exist only on the desktop version, we developed a full adaptation for mobiles. So everything you can do on the desktop version, you can do on the mobile version.